Sunday, May 9, 2021

Energy 17. Final Day of Energy Unit

 Well, we didn't get to answer all of  our questions, but it is time to move on to the next science storyline. So, the boys collaborated on a document listing all of their questions, trying to answer as many as they could. 

And, this answer shows that these boys have a great sense of humor 😂:

How long does it take to transfer energy?

If you are switching from your current electricity provider to a new provider, it can take up to 7 days for your service to transfer from one provider to the next.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Energy 16. Types of Energy Transfers

The boys made models showing various types of energy transfers.

We heated water and watched a Stirling Engine work. Then we watched a video and completed a performance assessment from "Wonder of Science."

We tried to charge a Chromebook and my cell phone using a hand-crank generator, but we couldn't seem to generate even 1%! We might try again tomorrow with a different device.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Energy 15. Chain Reactions!

 Today we finalized our model of the energy story in the Mini Rube Goldberg machine.  We have told much of the energy story when it shows up in motion and collisions.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Energy 14. Investigating Mass and Energy

One of the questions that came up during the Newton's Cradle investigation was whether heavier objects have more energy if they are moving at the same speed as lighter objects.  (We talked about how mass is how much matter an object has in it and that heavier objects have more mass.)  

So, today we investigated the relationship between the mass of a moving object and its energy. First, we weighed two balls.

Then, we released each ball on the Hot Wheels track. The ball hit a car parked in the same spot each time. We measured the distance that the car moved after the collision. We repeated the investigation with each ball five times.

They recorded all of the data, averaged the distances, and graphed the data.

The heavier ball moved the car much farther!  Moving objects with greater mass definitely have more energy!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Energy 13. Marble Energy Transfer

 Today we did a brief investigation with a red and blue marble, and the boys modeled the energy in each marble before and after the collision with energy bars. (from "Looking Through the Energy Lens" by Sally Chrissman, et al)

They had some really interesting arguments about what might have been happening to the energy! 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Energy 11. Discussing Investigations in a Scientists' Circle

 Today, I started by giving them some information about energy in collisions.  During the investigations, one student talked about the energy possibly becoming sound.  I decided that today would be a good day to let them know that in a collision, some energy is usually transferred to the surrounding air.  As a result, the air gets heated and sound is produced. (From NGSS PS3.B)

The boys wrote a paragraph based on these instructions:

Write a paragraph about your investigation. Describe your investigation. What were the results? How much do you trust the results and why? Try to explain your results using energy ideas.  What questions do you have now?

After the students wrote their paragraphs, they met in a scientists' circle to share their results and ask each other questions.

Two questions we want to investigate now are:

Do heavier objects add more energy?

If you only do two balls, will it last even longer?


Energy 17. Final Day of Energy Unit

 Well, we didn't get to answer all of  our questions, but it is time to move on to the next science storyline. So, the boys collaborated...