Sunday, May 9, 2021

Energy 17. Final Day of Energy Unit

 Well, we didn't get to answer all of  our questions, but it is time to move on to the next science storyline. So, the boys collaborated on a document listing all of their questions, trying to answer as many as they could. 

And, this answer shows that these boys have a great sense of humor 😂:

How long does it take to transfer energy?

If you are switching from your current electricity provider to a new provider, it can take up to 7 days for your service to transfer from one provider to the next.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Energy 16. Types of Energy Transfers

The boys made models showing various types of energy transfers.

We heated water and watched a Stirling Engine work. Then we watched a video and completed a performance assessment from "Wonder of Science."

We tried to charge a Chromebook and my cell phone using a hand-crank generator, but we couldn't seem to generate even 1%! We might try again tomorrow with a different device.

Energy 17. Final Day of Energy Unit

 Well, we didn't get to answer all of  our questions, but it is time to move on to the next science storyline. So, the boys collaborated...