Friday, March 26, 2021

Energy 6. We Need More Investigations!

 We looked at our results from yesterday's investigation.  

Even though there seemed to be a correlation between the height of the ramp and the distance the box travelled, we decided to collect more data. One student had an idea about putting one meter stick on top of another meter stick. He showed us how the car bumps the top one and it is easy to measure, because it is already on the meter stick!  We might try that next week. We will also do more trials next time.

I asked if our experiment was answering the question, "How does changing the speed of a Hot Wheels car change its energy?"   The boys agreed that the car had more energy if it could move the box further. They wanted to actually measure the speed of each car somehow. They said that they could not tell by looking if one car was going faster than another, and even though they THOUGHT it was, they wanted to get actual speed measurements We have a lot to figure out!

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Energy 17. Final Day of Energy Unit

 Well, we didn't get to answer all of  our questions, but it is time to move on to the next science storyline. So, the boys collaborated...